Hey there everyone, Ripple IS back. I know I've been neglecting this site a lot but I'll try my best to start anew. I just stole another layout from Sandstar, but she's too awesome for words at graphics and coding so I just had to!
-- rose sig // avatar
-- the owl and the pussycat
-- promise sig // avatar
-- glamorous indie rock and roll av set
-- marked book cover
-- falin sig
-- thank you sig
-- amazing sig // ordinary av
-- spirited away
Lately I've been really caught up with roleplay sites, especially real life ones. Including my very own, adminned by myself and Michaela (Schemes), Charcoal Eyes. Do visit! So I've mostly been making graphics with celebrities in them for these sites, and those don't show off too much talent, which is why I'm not spamming up this place with those.
By the way, the freebie site is updated. Though I've been mostly doing requests, so there's not that much new stuff. I'll try to strike up some muse again.
I haven't posted in FOREVER. Oh wellll. I had this huge inspiration spring, so here are some stuff.
_.strawberryAVALANCHE_.recordSHOP_.ivoryLEAF_.perfectDAYYes, these all suck. 8DFor some odd reason, two links aren't working.And they're my favorite ones. >>
I don't feel like sharing the failness of the shop requests I did. But I would like to share this siggie, which I think turned out pretty good:
Here's another update....Yeah, I've really been busy with graphics lately, huh._.waiting
_.fly away
Yeah that's it...
Wow. I can't believe I am updating this like months later. I completely slacked off on this. D= Okay, I'll just post up some of my recent ones...I'll show you the ones I made Sunday and yesterday.
Yeah...I don't feel like explaining. XD Just to let you know - I'm baaaack. =)
Haha, ewwww. Okay, I entered this Most Improved GB at Ww, and I'll give you my old and new. I will admit that I think I have improved lots, but still. The new one isn't really good enough I guess. I've gotten no votes so far, haha. XD_.old
Haha, proof right there while no one's voting for me.
Here's the rest of the presents. ^^
Schemes - I LOVE YOU. <3
Signature I
Signature II
Swallow - I love you too> <3
Alex - You're awesome. 8D And who says cats can't play bass?
Creamy - This is your birthday present. XD
dA link
Ww link
Here's a GB entry too -
.only the strong survive
x;; a writer's dream
x;; my deviantART
x;; italian soda
x;; darkest melody